About St. Mary the Virgin

St. Mary the Virgin (C of E)
Rector: Simon Cronk (01844 278349)
Church Wardens: Trudy Timbs ([email protected]) and Margaret Rogers ([email protected])
Like many other old parish churches, St Mary’s has come down to us from different periods of building. Part of the Church was built not long after the Norman Conquest in 1066. We can see for ourselves the little bit that goes back to a distant age by the narrow window in the chancel.
It is our benefactors, the craftsmen and the people who have worshipped in a loving and caring way that has made our church so beautiful. The history of the Church is a living monument to the people who have used and loved this building. The families known, and the families unrecorded, from the village of Great Milton who have worshipped week by week: all those people at some time have wished to leave some historic record.
St Mary’s warmly welcomes you and, if you are new to Great Milton, please do make yourselves known to us.
Services are always published in the Parish Bulletin, but as a rule the times of our Services are:
1st Sunday of the month: 8.00am – Holy Communion
2nd Sunday of the month: 9.30am – Sung Communion
3rd Sunday of the month: 11.00am – Family Service
4th and 5th Sundays of the month: 10.00am – Benefice Communion
The Benefice Service rotates around the three parishes in our united benefice (St. Mary the Virgin, Great Milton; St. James’s, Little Milton & St. Peter’s, Great Haseley).
Please download the form below should you wish to make a donation to the St Mary's refurbishment fund. More information about the refurbishment project can be found here.